What is KASA?
We are a group of parents organising events to contribute to the community of the school and to raise money to go towards resources for the children of Kings Avenue.
KASA exists to strengthen links between home and school and improve children’s experience of school.
Starting school can be a bit daunting for new parents as well as children. KASA provides opportunities for you to get to know other parents and staff and be part of the school community. For parents and carers of any child at school it’s a place to get involved, to have a bit of fun, share skills or learn new ones and to strengthen the links with school and make school a better place.
What does KASA do?
Organises events such as: Cake Sales, Christmas Ball and Film night
KASA plays an important part in raising additional money for school. It pays for the opportunities not covered by the school budget. This Scholastic year we are raising money to revamp the outdoor areas at school such as resources for children to play with and the forest school.
Getting involved
The KASA aims to be fun and all parents and carers are invited to get involved. This year some parents and carers, helped with food and drink at the Christmas Ball. Others helped set up and sell cakes at the sale. Some came to meetings and were involved in organising the whole event. KASA is flexible, as much or as little as suits you.
Could you help out at an event?
Do you have an idea for an event or fundraising?
It’s not necessarily about committing to a whole year or every meeting. Maybe you’d just like to help with the Film Night or organise a Christmas event.
KASA is open to ideas: Ideas for raising money, for events, for how to spend money raised.
What would you like to see more of? How would you like to improve school?
How does it work?
KASA can’t exist without parents and carers of the children at school being part of it.
Without KASA the school loses funds and popular additional activities that give school that added extra and make a difference to each child’s experience of school.