Complaints Procedure
If I have a complaint, who do I talk to?
If you have a complaint there is a three stage complaint procedure:
Stage 1 (Informal) – Many complaints can be resolved informally by talking to the class teacher. Alternatively the Senior Leadership team are always available at the school gates at the beginning and end of the school day. You can also call the school office to make an appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Stage 2 (Formal) – If the first stage of complaint has not resolved the issue, then a complaint must be made in writing to the Executive Headteacher (Mr E David) or the Head of School (Ms J Clarke). You will receive a written reply once the complaint has been investigated.
Stage 3 (Formal) – If the you are still dissatisfied, you may write to the Chair of Governors (Mr Matthew Bryant) within ten days of receiving the reply from the Executive Headteacher or Head of School.
If you are intending to make a formal complaint, please look at the Complaints Procedure Policy available on the policy section of the website.